Webinar: Effective Governance, Oversight & Best Practice for REM Committees

Remuneration Committees (Remco’s) play a crucial oversight role in ensuring fair, transparent, and performance-driven remuneration frameworks that align with the organisational strategy and the required shareholder performance metrics. Effective governance in the remuneration committee requires a clear mandate, robust policies, stakeholder engagement and a commitment to risk management and ethical practices.

Join our esteemed panel as we discuss the accountability that rests with remuneration committees and how remuneration professionals can best support Remco’s to build trust, comply with regulations and enhance corporate reputation and sustainability. 


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  • If you use a new email address a new account will be opened for you, unless you ask the secretariat to update your old account details. 
  • Member discount is only offered to paid-up members. 
  • You and the billing contact of your organisation will receive invoices a few minutes after you have registered.
  • If you see a red notice on the screen about unpaid invoices please contact the secretariat on saraservices@vdw.co.za to resolve.
  • Cancellation: Please contact eileen@vdw.co.za if you are unable to attend

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Norma Mazibuko

Norma Mazibuko is a Master Reward Specialist (MCom, BCom Honours, GRP) with extensive experience in remuneration and talent management, advising Management and Board Remuneration Committees across various industries, including the public sector. Norma specialises in strategic reward advisory, including the design and implementation of Total Reward Strategies, Reward Governance and Incentive Design. Norma is a member of the  IoDSA and SARA Professionalisation Committee.


Andrew Johnston

Currently the Director: Corporate Services and Group Company Secretary, responsible for all corporate administration (legal, secretarial, compliance, sustainability and governance) activities throughout the Sun International Group – since November 2016.  Andrew is an admitted attorney by profession.

Previous work experience includes 31 years in senior management and executive positions (legal and secretarial) with large public listed corporations in South Africa including, inter alia Allied Electronics Corporation Limited (Altron), Liberty Life, Spescom Limited and Amic Industries Limited (part of Anglo American Corporation).

Andrew has a wealth of offshore legal and secretarial experience having spent a considerable amount of time of this career operating in and consulting to foreign countries and organisations.

Anusuya Govender

Anusuya Govender is currently the Chief People Officer for Old Mutual. She had held executive roles in major blue-chip companies and has over 20 years’ experience across the Human Capital value chain. 

Prior to being appointed as CPO in November 2023, she was the Group Remuneration and Benefits Executive for Old Mutual. 

She has demonstrated experience in the design and implementation of reward strategies and related programs and thrives in leading large-scale transformation and change. Anusuya is accredited as a Master Reward Specialist with SARA.


Ian was born in Dublin and moved to South Africa in 1981. He qualified as a Chartered Accountant (CA) in 1980 and CA (SA) in 1985. 

He was appointed to the PriceWaterhouse partnership in 1986 and in 1988 formed the Insurance Specialist Services group in the firm.  Early in 1996 Ian was approached to join AGA Holdings as Managing Director, a relatively small JSE listed life insurance player with Investec as its significant shareholder. AGA Holdings later restructured as Capital Alliance Holdings Limited, one of the first broad-based black empowerment financial services companies in South Africa. In December 2004, Capital Alliance Holdings was sold to Liberty Group and Ian was appointed Deputy CEO of Liberty Group in March 2005.

In May 2006 Ian joined the Sanlam Group as Chief Executive: Strategy and Projects, where his responsibilities included undertaking a strategic review of the group, formalising capital management arrangements and starting several numbers of new businesses across Sanlam’s business clusters.

In June 2007, he was appointed Chief Executive of Santam whose market capitalisation more than trebled in the duration of his appointment. 

He was appointed as Group CEO of the Sanlam Group on 1 July 2015. Ian retired from Sanlam on 1 July 2020 and completed his contract at the end of December 2020.

He serves on the Boards of the JSE, Pepkor, Transaction Capital, Netcare, SCOR (UK) and Shriram (India).

Date: 20 February 2025

Time: 15:00 – 17:00
Norma Mazibuko, Andrew Johnston, Anusuya Govender and Ian Kirk
Venue: Teams webinar 

SARA Professionalised Members: No charge
SARA Paid-up members: R250
Non-SARA Members: R450

2 CPD Points